I’m starting to see first-day-of-school photos being shared and the college students are trickling back into town. Those photos of smiling students in new clothes and backpacks almost always make me feel a little emotional—it’s as if you can see all the love and hope that’s gone into this shiny little person, usually one of your friends or family’s children you’ve been watching grow each year, and sent off into the world! We’ll be doing it ourselves in a few weeks, but I’m glad we get a bit more time.
We’re driving up to Lake Tahoe today, escaping the high temperatures in the valley for the mountain air, and soaking up those end-of-summer feelings together.
Are you still having summer days? Or has the fall routine begun?
Here are some links of note I’ve been keeping in open tabs. Hope you have a nice weekend!
Speaking of which: it makes me laugh that I’ve had this tab open for two weeks now. One day, I’ll actually read it!
The myth of the underage woman.
Treating victims in El Paso. Also, the virality of evil.
Also, arguing for any change we can get to create a new climate. Start with the simplest solutions.
One of the most upsetting interviews I listened to on NPR this week—the Koch political machine continues to fight any effort to limit carbon pollution, using the considerable resources that a $120 billion fortune can buy, and these are the “kind of businesses you couldn’t boycott even if you wanted to.”
Hard to believe these are real. An alphabet of gerrymandering.
“Read a little, weep a little, and make these brownies.”
Love this Michelle Obama quote.
These ice-breaker questions could be useful for any of us.
The science of taste—for your kids. (Related: any new favorite podcast recs for kids?)
Andrew Bird has a new album out and starts touring again next week. (If you’re local, he’s playing in Davis this October.)
H&M Home is so good lately—especially the kids’ collection. Love their kids’ cotton duvets and, for me, the look of these bath towels.
Ulla Johnson’s light-filled kitchen.
For grads going off to their first apartments, these Heath-dupes would be lovely starter plates.
Saw someone in this G-bomb suit in Hawaii and it looked so good! Love the sun protection. (I just got a new one with more coverage by Seea.)
Such beautiful mood boards.
I’m sorry I missed the Sea Ranch exhibit earlier this summer.
Family meal-planning in action.
Finally, starting to watch Outlander for the first time, and reading this for this month’s bookclub! But most of the time, if I’m procrastinating, I’m watching reruns of The Graham Norton show. How about you?