Before the lights all come down and the returned-for-wrong-address cards stop appearing in the mail (darn it!), I thought I’d share some photos from our holidays. Just a few favorite Christmas-y ones… I have plenty more Southern California posts in mind for next week.
Highlights included: For the very first time, stringing lights outside…

and then stringing them inside.

Trying to save chubby handprints forever.
Making cookies. Decorating cookies. Eating (too many) cookies.

Almost meeting Santa. (A few failed attempts were made.)

Decorating a fist gingerbread house. (Yes, it’s supposed to look like that: I was going for our home.)

Trimming the tree and hanging the stockings.

Driving many hours south to Long Beach and seeing Christmas lights reflect on water.
Seeing Christmas morning through the eyes of a toddler…

who was very happy to see his cousins,

but who didn’t want a photo with them.

And welcoming a new year with good friends.

Have a great weekend!
(P.S. Last year: Hudson’s first Christmas and first tree–and a warmer reception to Santa.)