The banana cake with mocha frosting I made Aron for his birthday was made with love, and tasted awfully good, but it didn’t win any marks for looks. I think I want every cake I make from here on out to look, instead, more like this one from The Roaming Kitchen. Wowzers. Looks and sounds delicious–and it’s made in a tin can! (Thanks to Shoko for leading me to this. Yeah, thanks a lot.)
A few other things that have been on my mind lately:
Alex Williams’ hilarious bit for the New York Times on how we’re all saying “Cheers” lately.
The Goodyear House (by Harvard Five architect John Johansen) is for sale.
I’m headed to Palm Springs in a couple of weeks for Camp Mighty! And I’m so happy to finally check out the Ace Hotel. Who else is going? It’s going to be my first trip without the baby–eek! I’m equal parts nervous and excited.
Pardon my language, but Lacy pumpkins and the like always make me want to quote Colin Nissan: “It’s Decorative Gourd Season, M** F**”
Awesome people hanging out together.
Gwyneth Paltrow released a GOOP guide to Brooklyn. (Oh and I know it’s a controversial subject, but I love Gwyneth.)
And while G.P. made me miss New York, the Remodelista Guide to “West Marin and Beyond” is getting me so excited for daytrips around our new home base!
Remember those great rain boots I found last year? There’s a slip-on version, too. I’d choose navy or black, but a bolder choice would be the mini Lynx.
The cutest ballet dancer wears a crown.
A good friend of mine is about to have a baby, so I’ve been revisiting my new baby essentials list for gift ideas.
Any fun plans for the weekend?