Always something interesting

One of my favorite web sites to scroll through is Shorpy, “the 100-year-old photo blog.” There you can find thousands of vintage images taken from the 1850s through the 1950s and scanned in high-definition. It’s incredibly well-organized and you can purchase prints if that’s your interest. I was looking through images of old New York and came across this wonderful image of Mulberry Street in Little Italy, taken around the turn of the last century. But the most amazing bit is that when you click to view an image at full size, it takes you to a high-definition image and you can zoom-in and find the most incredible details. Check out the one above in more detail. Can you find the guy sitting on the stoop on the left, picking his nose? Maybe that’s more detail than you wanted, but how incredible! (And the comments tend to include lots of great tidbits from readers, too!)

(Photo from here)

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