A friend of ours is heading to Terre di Nano, the place we stayed in Tuscany a few years ago, and it had me rereading our travelogue and fantasy-planning a return trip to Italy for sometime in the next few years. What is it about Italy that is so magical? Everything, right?
What travel plans are on your horizon? Day trips? Long-haul flights? We’re taking the kids camping for the first time this weekend—it will be a very mild introduction, near a lake, with a group of friends. And then, boom! Fourth of July. Here are some ideas for what to bring to a potluck.
Enjoy the holiday!
Some links if you’re in the mood…
A guide to Tuscany from Camille Styles.
If I were still in New York, I’d be rushing to see this exhibit.
Related, the author’s book Paris to the Moon is wonderful if you’ve ever fantasized about moving to Paris, family in tow.
Oh Joy! Oh Joy’s guide to LA with kids.
Despite living in California for over 30 years of my life, I’ve yet to visit Ojai. (Watching Brothers and Sisters doesn’t count, does it?) Eyeing this guide.
Taking a first flight with a child? Read them The Airport Book so they know what to expect.
This guide to in-flight pillows had me laughing out loud. (I actually have the modified Ostrich and love it.)
Related: a past in-flight guide.
One of the most frank posts about girls and sex I’ve seen on a blog. Bravo, Design Mom!
Homemade hot fudge. (BTW, just blew my kids’ minds with the homemade magic shell.)
The link between domestic violence and mass killings.
Hillary Clinton after the election.
Worth a read: “Medicaid-repeal bills masquerading as Obamacare-repeal bills.”
How does school choice affect segregation?
Happy 4th of July! I’ll be thinking on Obama’s recent statement: “Americans who love their country still have the power to change it.”