It’s officially summer! The kids celebrated their last day of school yesterday and, as usual, I felt a little emotional about that bittersweet march of time. I was happy that their last-day photos (posted on Instagram) seemed to really captured their personalities at this particular moment. Seeing the sixth graders at their graduations, looking so big, put a giant lump in my throat!
So we’re off today, and the goal will be to be as lazy as is possible with these two. Or at least spontaneous. How do you spend the first day of summer vacation?
If you’re doing some browsing, here are some links of note…
This tap performance of #Beychella is amazing!
What Kate Spade meant to women’s fashion
Stunned and saddened to learn that Anthony Bourdain died from depression as well.
A wonderful post about depression and remembering it’s a disease.
Suicide prevention lifeline. If you’re suffering, please call 800-273-8255, and someone will be glad to talk to you. Or text TALK to 741-741, if you prefer texting.
This nuanced review of Ocean’s 8 was a pleasure to read—even without having seen the movie (which I plan to).
Love the copper handle option for Harry’s razors.
Spotted these the last time I was in Aesop. Funny… but also brilliant. I might make my kids use it (since they’re too young for matches).
A must-read. We must keep talking about this heinous, cruel policy.
GateGuru is an airport terminal guide. It will show you all the eateries, shops, and services located in your terminal, along with the location. (via SwissMiss)
Sex and the City is 20 years old! Whaaaat?
When I wrote about binge-watching, a few of you suggested I watch Younger. I’ve just binged all four seasons in the space of a week and have been super unproductive. Thanks a lot. 😉
The perfect mesh bags for beach outings.
Apparently it’s Negroni week. My favorite! Bottoms up!
[P.S. The first day of school this year.]