The kids and I are in Southern California this weekend, but I made sure our return flight tickets would get me back in time for Saturday night at the Mondavi Center to see Samantha Bee! I love her and am so excited she is coming to Davis.
In fact, Aron and I bought tickets even though we couldn’t make the original date. I don’t know why we did… we just couldn’t not, and we hoped maybe something would change. (It almost never does.) And then the date actually changed! It was meant to be.
In case you aren’t yet a fan, Samantha Bee and her writing partner Jo Miller spent years at The Daily Show–as in Bee was a correspondent for 12 years before starting her own show on Comedy Central, Full Frontal. Wired describes it: “informed commentariat, committing to careful reporting, conscientious fact-checking, op-eds lighted for satire, and a ruthless conviction that their show is not for ratings, Twitter, or dumb people. (Though, for the record, their ratings usually top The Daily Show’s.) Full Frontal is also the most mercilessly feminist show (ever) (in history)–and Bee has emerged as a leading voice for the galvanized left.”
What’s not to like?
There’s a Q&A at the end of the show. If you were there, what would you ask?
Some links of note…
Every time Lindy West writes an Op-Ed for the New York Times, (like “Yes, This Is a Witch Hunt. I’m a Witch and I’m Hunting You,” or “Brave Enough to Be Angry“), I want to link to it.
So I’m happy that her book, Shrill, is our bookclub pick this month!
Almond-milk drinkers, rejoice: your holiday nog.
Online classes for fall.
Consider my interest piqued: a Hurry Slowly podcast for being more in the moment.
Hudson has been interested in making up his own stories lately. I think we’d all enjoy this.
Yes! This needs to be given a place in our curriculum.
Mason jars. For everything. Ha!
Trendiest parenting fears of 2017.
The new U.S. civil rights trail.
A Mass Shooting in Texas and False Arguments Against Gun Control
And it’s been a long year.