Our poor baby boy got sick over the weekend and it was a doozy! That nasty stomach bug sent him to the ER on Monday for some IV fluids, which thank goodness brought him back to his usual happy self. It’s horrible seeing your little one in a hospital, but today you’d never know he’d been sick, and we can look back at it all with some laughter.

The timing of it all, well, was not optimum (not that he could help it)! Aron and I had just arrived in Calistoga to celebrate our anniversary—we’re talking champagne corked, dinner reservations in minutes, massages booked the next morning, mud baths scheduled for the afternoon, and grandparents babysitting for an entire weekend—when we got the phone call that poor Hudson had thrown up. I grabbed the bags and Aron raced to reception (A huge thank you to Solage, who told us they would hold our reservation deposit for another time.), and we drove back to Davis to be with Hudson. Thank goodness we were only an-hour-and-a-half away.
Aron and I had about the exact opposite weekend planned than the one that transpired—with the exception that we did get plenty of together time. We felt a little sorry for ourselves, but it went away quickly because we both felt so bad for Hudson–who would get so upset every time he got sick.
This Sunday is Mother’s Day as well as our actual wedding anniversary. I’m hoping the two celebrations can remain a bit more distinct this weekend.
Happy Mother’s Day, everyone! What will you do to celebrate? (Here’s what happened last year.)
A few links for the weekend…
I spy an outdoor shower. Alyson Fox’s home look amazing.
A recipe for miso-marinated black cod.
Gendered book covers. So true!
Of course: recessed outlets.
Wouldn’t it be nice if more companies made removable wallpaper? (Funny story: we spent hours and hours trying to remove one of these exact patterns from one of our walls and eventually called in a professional to do it! If only.)
This Rain Room exhibit sounds incredible.
I’m going to try this floating frame DIY soon.
Wanted to read this aloud with Aron the minute I finished the first paragraph. On the Williamsburg Hipster.
And next week is the final episode of The Office. I’m not caught up! (Though I’ve seen most episodes so many times over that I thought Hudson might know the theme song from in utero.) Did you see my boyfriend, Jim, on Late Night?