Happy December! Tonight, after taking the kids to the secret Santa shop at our local art center, we’re heading back to the Mondavi Center for a night with Pete Souza—the former White House Photographer to Presidents Reagan and Obama. His collection of photos from his most recent stint have been put into a book, Obama: An Intimate Portrait, and I’m looking forward to a bit of a nostalgia-fest. Will it be better or worse to spend the evening looking back? That photo of Obama with Joe Biden at Beau Biden’s service just made me cry.
I’m also interested to hear whether he has any thoughts on the profession of photographer that might be inspiring.
What are you looking forward to at the start of the holidays? Do you make an advent calendar? Ours is out, and we’ll be decorating and setting up the tree this weekend.
Good tidings! And some links…
A live briefing on the tax bill. It’s not looking good.
Related, an article that touches on many of my issues with the bill. And the non-partisan JCT review of whether or not it’s fiscally responsible.
Excited about the royal wedding? Here’s another reason to like Meghan Markle.
There are so many things to worry about, it’s hard to keep focused on any one for long. Don’t forget, the internet is under attack. A helpful video. (Also, here’s what Net Neutrality is.)
My friend Natalie has been sharing her infertility and adoption journey on Mother Mag. Her voice is so appreciated!
P.S. You’ll remember Natalie from a series on here. Here are her tips for holiday entertaining.
More incredible pie crusts.
This children’s drafting-table-cum-play-structure is so cool! I think I need to test out some carpentry skills one day. (via Even Cleveland)
The theatre of accountability. Regarding Matt Lauer.
Okay, Ladies. Let’s not do like Barbara did. Let’s listen to one another! (And happy birthday, Bette!)
Always love Jenny’s round-ups. This one was fun because it reminded me of an old column I wrote for Serious Eats. (Link in her comments)
So clever: tips for wrapping a very small, but valuable gift.
Treason’s Greetings! (Btw, if you’re always reaching your free article limit for The New Yorker, they have some good holiday subscription gift offers!)
I’ve always been curious about SK-II essence, that cult product in the Cate Blanchett ads—but it’s so pricey! I hear this is a budget alternative.
My friend wore this amazing, vintage buffalo check capulet last night that belted at the waist. I immediately came home for some sleuthing and found this! (Update: Similar)
This piñata makeover made me laugh! It’s so clever!
And, oooh! Jealous!