Joanna’s post the other day about favorite wallpapers included a link to her article for Martha Stewart on Hudson’s old nursery space and it felt especially timely to look at those photos again: I had just framed and hung a piece of his old wallpaper for a collage wall I’ll be slowly adding to, in his new room. One of his walls is entirely covered in cork, so that it can evolve with him.
It was so nice to see this go up and feel like Hudson recognized his old animal friends (he clicks with the horses and trumpets with the elephants). And I love that a piece of that teeny little first bedroom came with us.
I’d say his is the most “finished” room in the house, but it still has a way to go. I’ve been revisiting some of my favorite kids’ spaces on my Pinterest boards for inspiration.

P.S. More on Hudson’s first “nursery in a closet” and some thoughts on having a baby in New York City.