How much does 550 sq feet really need?

It amazes me how, in a place as small as ours, there can still be so much home improvement that we want to do. We got our first real taste for it when we upgraded our bathroom.

Our big move this weekend was to finally get our microwave off of the kitchen counter by fashioning a shelf. A little sawing, leveling, and drilling later, it actually looks like an undermount microwave—only it’s more compact than most of the undermount microwaves we found and doesn’t scare me with visions of our upper-cabinetry crashing down. 

But by far the most exciting news is that we are going to re-do our countertops! In a manner typical of us, we mulled over and priced out every option and alternative at various stores around the city before deciding that dark granite would be the best choice for our brief tenure. That included going out to Red Hook on Sunday (by that I mean we took a long walk through the ugly part, by the elevated subway, the freeway, and the canal in the rain) to where they charge less per-square-foot but, we then discovered, only if you live in Brooklyn. Still, success: hours of online research and in-person comparative shopping (not to mention two-and-a-half years of discussion) has finally resulted in a decision!
We’ve ordered the granite countertop, bought our sink online, and we’re close to buying a faucet (that last part is proving to be far more difficult than anticipated), and to maximize our dollars, we’ll be removing our old counters this week! (We’ll leave the installation to the pros.) Look for photos soon…

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