Anybody starting Thanksgiving vacation this weekend? Our kids do! I remember being old enough that I was out of school Thanksgiving week while my parents were working and watching marathon episodes of The Twilight Zone. That sounds pretty lovely right about now—it’s been ages since I’ve seen one (or spent a day watching television in my pajamas).
I don’t know about you, but I found it hard to read anything beyond the news this week—still I’ve found some things you might enjoy.
Some links of note…
Why you should schedule one focused hour of work each day.
And how to write the best to-do list.
David Lynch on catching creative ideas.
How can influence be converted to activism? It’s a question John Oliver and, likely, a lot of actors and comedians are asking these days.
Affordable family travel in Northern California.
Praise for Air-popped popcorn.
Advice from Burglars. (They almost always knock first!)
Shared a look inside the cabin—which is where the photo above is from.
How product research takes place at IKEA. (And by the way, there’s an IKEA bike in the works!)
Funny how now that we’re nearing the end of diapers, I’m finding all these reasons to love diaper bags. So practical! Currently using this one.
A book train?! The kids will flip when they see this on our next visit.
On Dave Chappelle’s monologue. (Though I’m so done with “X for president” lines about celebrities, so the last line of this almost ruins the good review for me.)
Did Clinton truly fail to mobilize Democrats? Or is that a myth?
Also, Clinton made her first public appearance for the Children’s Defense Fund and had me in tears over this story of her mother. It starts around 17 minutes in. I loved the essence: “every child needs a champion.”
And a child who was a champion!
Some photos from the awesome Oh Happy Day birthday party.
Aaron Sheldon photographed his son around town in an astronaut costume as a reminder that children are explorers still learning the world around them. He started the project after witnessing the awe the boy felt riding the bus—”such a mundane and pedestrian task.” (P.S. My astronaut.)
Finally: “It’s at our most vulnerable and desperate moments where our breakthroughs will come.” This line jumped out at me in light of recent events and while reading about another reason to love Dazed and Confused. I hope it’s true.
Have a great weekend!
[Photo from our cabin; More posts about Home & Design]