Before we lived in New York, Aron was practically anti-Halloween—but somehow with nudging from West Village celebrations (people go all out!), a wife who enjoys dressing up, and a baby boy, he’s become a fan. He has a wild costume (even I’m shocked) and is taking a half-day today so that we can all bring our little tot downtown for a children’s treat trail and free showings of Charlie Brown at the Varsity. Should be a lot of fun! I’ll be sure and share some photos later.
Here are some favorite costumes of mine from recent years…

Have a happy Halloween! Will you be dressing up?
[Images: Bonnie & Clyde (the Faye/Warren versions); divers & (a man-eating) shark; Watson & Holmes (were lovers); office party M&Ms; and the farmer, his wife, and their prize-winning (sweetest) berry]