Happy Father’s Day weekend to the handful of dads reading—which may in fact only be the three key ones in my life—Aron, my dad, and my father-in-law! As I write this, I can hear Aron reading bedtime stories to the kids, and I’m thinking how lucky they are—and how lucky I am. We’ll do our best to let him know this Sunday!
I apologize for the irregular posting of late—school is out and summer camps are not kicking into full swing for at least another week, so I’ve been keeping busy with the kids. The temperature is rising in Davis, so we’ve escaped to Lake Tahoe for the weekend. Next week—I predict—will require lots of swimming and popsicles.
Does it feel like summer where you are? Any special plans for Father’s Day?
Have a good weekend! A few links in the meantime…
A few more reasons we’re so lucky to have Aron, written down on his first Father’s Day.
And a Father’s Day Gift Guide from the past that might still prove useful—either as inspiration in-store or with same-day-shipping today. (This remains my favorite suggestion.)
Susan Sontag’s advice to writers.
Are you “agriculturally illiterate“? (Hopefully you didn’t fall into this particular 7%.)
Teens and social media. (But in fact relevant for all of us, right?)
Oh no he didn’t. (Yes, he did.)
More on the phenomenon of men interrupting.
Don’t feed the animals. Yikes!
Are you going to try to be in the “path of totality” for the eclipse? We actually have family just on the edge. Hmmm…
While we’ve all been distracted by Comey and Sessions, our health care policy is being drafted in secret.
Every Beatles song, ranked from best to worst.
Almost too heartbreaking to read. A school shooting from the children’s perspective.
Helping or hurting? Social media and friendship.

And, finally, Happy Father’s Day, Dad!