When we head to San Francisco, I like to toss a Crumpled City map in my bag–just in case. Have you seen these? They’re brilliant. And awesome: it’s virtually unrippable, and completely waterproof, and is designed to be opened and closed over-and-over without any thought given to proper folding.
A dozen or so Crumpled city maps are available on Amazon (around $10), including Paris
Here are a few other things that have caught my eye lately:
Pigeon-hunting catfish!? Wild! These non-indigenous, usually-nocturnal catfish have adapted to pounce on pigeons along the banks of the Tarn in Southern France. What a fascinating look at adaptation.
I finally started checking out books for Hudson at the library to avoid overspending on children’s titles and after a few nights with this borrowed copy of Caillou: Things That Go!
My Preston glasses have gone missing. Again. Luckily they’re from Warby Parker and cost just under $100, but it’s still painful. Have you ever ordered glasses online? They have a brilliant “home try-on” program. I also like the Mallory frames a lot.
I’ve been thinking about putting up some wallpaper in Hudson’s room again, but I’d really like to go the temporary route. I was so excited to see this resource on Jenny’s blog.
Speaking of whom, Jenny’s cabinet makeover is beyond amazing. Check out the jaw-dropping before-and-afters.
These painterly images on Miss Moss are gorgeous. How does she do it?
I promise I want to start sharing more images of our new home soon. It’s such a work-in-progress. (I love the vibe in these images of Solange’s home, btw.)
So many brilliant advent calendars out there right now. But doesn’t this one sound so sweet?
What’s your feeling on All Inclusive vacations? They definitely have their place! (Fewer decisions + no additional spending=true relaxation?)
On the other hand, how soon can we go here?
I’ve just signed up for Luvocracy. Have you checked it out? I’ll give you a more thorough opinion in a week or so–after I’ve played around with it more–but I think it has amazing potential. Check out Joy’s post about it, for more detail. (BTW, if you do decide to request an invite to sign up, it would be awesome if you went through this link!)
Have a great weekend! (No pressure.)