Catbird, a jewelry shop in Williamsburg, has lovely little gift guides—including one for new moms. My favorite are the delicate little alphabet rings. So many of my friends are (also) pregnant with baby #2; wouldn’t it be sweet to wear stacked rings, one with each child’s initial? Of course they’d make a great gift for anyone who want to keep a romantic someone’s initial close at hand, too.
More links for your weekend…
Are you done with your holiday shopping? I almost am. If you’re too late for on-time shipping, maybe consider donating to a charity—or to public radio or television in someone’s name (to say thank you for This American Life and Downton Abbey)! But if you’d like something you can wrap, here are my gift guides: For Her, For Him, For the Kiddo, and For Everyone Else.
Also, Our Common Mug, a sweet gift to share with a friend who is too far away. (Thanks for the tip, Allie!)
This send-up of Instagram clichés is hilarious. (Guilty of too many to count. Whoops!)
On a slightly related note: remember our dining room pics and my hunt for a new dining table? We got one just in time for Thanksgiving.
We just got a Christmas card from Aron’s aunt, who made a painting based on one of my photographs and used the image for her cards. So awesome to see! Here are the snowy images of Manhattan after a big storm, taken mostly in Central Park. (They’re still some of my favorite!)
A brilliant paper-snowflake-cutting tutorial, if you’re in the mood to get fancy.
At 32 weeks pregnant, I don’t think I should read any more of these scary articles about going from one child to two right now. (I’ve shared some thoughts on this topic before—as did many of you in the comments.)
I answered some questions about my Saturday (and got to try out some lovely shoes) for Jacques Levine’s slipper series.
I loved taking printing classes in college, and still have my wood- and Linocutting tools. But you don’t need anything other than scissors for this clever holiday print-making tutorial!
I think it’s pretty awesome to see Door Sixteen source this entire room image.
Jordan finds the cutest toys. I love her kids’ wall of Schleich Animal Figurines
Speaking of trying to make more meals at home… Love the idea of a Sunday night plan.
I have some ideas for a few fun series to run in the coming year, but I’d love to hear from you about anything you’d like to see more of. Or about any series you’d like to see started! Please comment or email!
Have a wonderful weekend! I can’t believe Christmas is next Wednesday!
[images via catbird]