The Weekly Digest

David Bowie costumes Halloween Labyrinth Ziggy Stardust Aladdin Sane

Happy November! Tonight is Skyler’s first piano recital (aka “piano party”), though only one parent gets to go so I’ll content myself to get the details after. She chose dad because I already get to hear her at the lessons each week. Tomorrow begins the final AYSO soccer games, so that’s our big activity Saturday and Sunday and I have to tell you—I’ve become so much more of a soccer fan this season! I’m hoping the rain holds off for them—even as ever wishing for no-rain seems completely anti-Californian. Oh, the inner conflict!

I think we are finally recovered from our Halloween hangover—in the sense that I feel like we celebrated every day for four days straight. (And yes, I applied my David Bowie makeup four times.) We finally put the costumes and decorations away last night. Now if I could only say the same about the candy…

Finally—turning the page on Halloween this year means it’s time to focus (like, laser-focus) on getting out the vote! Every seat in the House is up for grabs, as are 35 Senate seats and 36 governorships! Vote to protect democracy! Every vote matters, but if you’re in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, or Wisconsin, you should know that those races’ outcomes could decide it! Other tight races are Pennsylvania, Colorado, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, and Florida. But none of us can afford to sit this out. The polls have been wrong before! And the stakes are VERY high.

Here are just a few links to add this week: 

Worth a watch: The three possible outcomes of the Midterm elections.

(Also, the nine races that might decide it.)

“WHAT THE HELL ELSE HAS TO HAPPEN FOR YOU TO GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND VOTE?” Funny, not funny. Be sure to get to the footnote.

Watch David Attenborough’s plea at the end of Frozen Planet 2.

A reader sent me this Lindy West newsletter describing all of the problems with Sixteen Candles and it’s such a good—disturbing—read. I used to love that movie! Aron and I once listened to West’s book, Sh*t Actually, on a road trip and her movie reviews are so good.

Spotted this very cute wooden-box advent calendar on West Elm. Reminds me: I’m starting to draft ideas for our advent calendar activities. Here’s my general scheme for it.

Sorry for the short list this week! Have a great weekend!

The Weekly Digest

Happy (almost) Halloween! We’re in the late stages of putting together costumes and doing our best to fit in traditions like pumpkin-carving and hay mazes before November comes.

Skyler has made a request that has been harder than expected to fulfill and Aron and I were laughing about how she hasn’t checked in on it once. Oh, the trust! That it will just magically appear on Halloween? Of course in the behind-the-scenes of it all we’re checking to see how much felt and glue sticks we have on hand in text threads with each other. It’s always a mad dash!

Aron and I had about three different plans and then I got that clothes-rental subscription and found a jumpsuit that made one of them easier to pull together than the other. Voila! I’ll share some photos after the weekend, but it’s always a secret for our friends’ party on Saturday.

Last year we were Princess Diana and (now-King) Charles. I don’t think I had posted photos on here, but it was a lot of fun wearing that giant dress everywhere. I usually try to come up with some excuse to wear a blonde wig, it seems.

Have a great weekend! Some links of note… 

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The Weekly Digest

Going to give Pickleball a try for the first time this weekend… in a tournament. Wish me luck. Maybe I can channel the Leanne Ford x Recess aesthetic in look at least? The host just sent me this video about the five stages of Pickleball. I’m probably at stage 2.

Happy to say I got my vote in yesterday. Did you know that only four states don’t offer any sort of early voting? Unless you’re in New Hampshire, Mississippi, Connecticut, or Alabama, you can vote before Election Day!

Tonight we go out to celebrate my mother-in-law’s 80th birthday, and Sunday is Aron’s birthday—he wants to play ultimate frisbee, eat his homemade coffee cake, and watch the UCD Women’s soccer game! Sound  good to me!

Anyway, it will be a good distraction from the stress I’m feeling about trying to get The Dirt back in print within the next month. I’ve been spending a lot more time at my computer and have been missing all the walks I was taking. Need to get back into balance!

Hope you’re feeling it more than I! Have a great weekend…

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