Often I’ll take a bunch of photos on an outing with the intention of posting them, and then just forget. (Other times I decide the experience is one not worth your time: Hello this year’s St. Patrick’s Day parade.) Then, by the time I return to them, the season has changed and it is too late. And now there’s Hudson–who is growing into a boy with changes by the hour–to add to the anachronism. But I’m just going to have to ask you to ignore the big, puffy winter coats in these few photos of a visit to the American Folk Art Museum.
A very small museum with a turbulent history of relocation and funding struggles, the American Folk Art Museum now sits across from Lincoln Center and is free to visit (though a donation would be much appreciated). I had been wanting to visit for a while, having meant to go over the summer for a quilt exhibit. Now I’d like to go back and linger in the gift shop. There were so many beautiful books and interesting accessories.
However we left instead with a cate & levi handpuppet. Not so much because each is handmade and unique (though that’s pretty cool), but because it made Hudson laugh. This was early in the “Hudson laughs!” excitement (it had maybe happened a handful of times), and moments after hearing him laugh Aron was at the cash register. Only then did we learn it was $32. Yowza! But oh that sweet sound.