Have you heard of a Perplexus Maze Ball? Hudson can not put this toy down lately. Every morning, if he’s the first to wake up, it’s the very first thing he does. He reaches for it constantly throughout the day. I was asking Aron whether he could think of anything else that’s held his interest quite like this has and we agreed we could not.
He first borrowed the Rookie edition of the ball from a friend, and we’ve since bought him his own, the original Perplexus (pictured). It’s basically a 3D marble run: you shift, flip, and twist the sphere to guide the marble on 22 feet worth of track with a series of barriers. It does make some noise as the ball rolls around, but it’s pretty unobtrusive.
I thought I’d better pass it along as a recommendation for anyone in need of gift ideas for first or second graders. It has been amazing for us!
What toys have been total slamdunks in your home? For what age?

P.S. One of my favorite gift guides for kids; and more ideas.