Despite the New York Times professing it to be the “worst party of the year,” and The Wall Street Journal offering a sarcastic “Good luck with that,” we’re getting together with friends tonight to give it a go. I’m curious, what are your plans for watching the results of the election roll in? Eating tacos and sipping “mazel tov cocktails,” perhaps? Or will you be avoiding the play-by-play?
In anticipation, Aron and I have been texting each other puns and ideas for party food apropos to an election season ripe for satire—with all of those catchy phrases like “bad hombres,” “nasty women,” “bigly” (or “big league,” which really isn’t much better), and—of course—”grab ’em by the…”
Come to think of it, maybe instead of a party we just need a long, hot shower.
P.S. Some other ideas I found for the last-minute host.