All the clichés about time flying still don’t do it justice: this little boy is growing up so fast! I feel drunk on a head-spinning brew of excitement, anticipation, nostalgia, awe, and love. With just a pinch of exhaustion. There’s so much to look forward to. I told him that if I looked like I were going to cry at all, it was just because I’m so happy.
We did our best to make the day feel special for him. We snuck balloons into his room in the middle of the night and let him and Skyler have Lucky Charms for breakfast. We took silly photos in the morning and gave his teachers cards he picked out. Aron came home early and we picked up the kids for burgers and ice cream. And he mixed up a cake with Skyler looking on adoringly (at him and at the batter) to share with his grandparents after swimming and dinner. All told, a pretty great day.
I’m so proud of this kind, curious little fellow. He deserves it.
Below, a few more photos of him with Skyler, who also wrapped up school today—her first six months of nursery school!

P.S. The Secret Lives of 4-Year-Olds, Hudson at 4-1/2, and Parenting Starts Now.