What are your plans for the weekend? We’re hosting some preschool friends of Skyler’s on Sunday to celebrate her birthday. I’m very excited for her. I feel like she’s been faux-planning her birthday party all year long. We’re going to do her favorite things: sing “Hello, everybody!” from Music Together, and decorate (mini) cakes. Otherwise, I haven’t prepped at all, so Saturday will be for clearing the decks and doing a little baking.
Have a good weekend! Here are some links if you’re in the mood. I tried to keep it a bit lighter this week…
Loads more cake-spiration. (That cereal bowl one is amazing, right?)
The Superbowl is on this Sunday! Here are some beer-serving tips and super-simple suggestions for setting up a Chili station.
A sweet DIY idea for Valentine’s day: Chai Sugar Jars
One of my favorite local shops, Mollusk, has a lot of inventory on sale right now. This bikini (literally) has my name on it (under a sun shirt, of course).
The Boy Scouts begin to welcome transgender children.
Loved reading Mother Mag’s interview with Jordan Ferney of Oh Happy Day—in particular, it was awesome to learn how Jordan is making her work environment conducive to retaining new mothers.
Movies I need to see before the Oscars. (I’ve only seen La La Land.)
Does playing Monopoly always make you think of income equality, too?
I’d like to read this after having hear Taubes on NPR.
This podcast has been compared to The Godfather and Goodfellas. (Only it’s real!) On my to-listen list.
Stylish slip-on rain boots that are (thankfully!) getting a ton of use lately.
Did you know that Slate has a blog with content exclusively from female journalists? Just heard about the XX Factor when reading this op-ed about the travel ban’s (Muslim ban’s) effect on refugee families.
Have you tried reading Trump’s Black History Month speech aloud yourself? McSweeney’s publishes it straight and it reads like one of their parodies. If it were one, my favorite line is “During this month, we honor the tremendous history of African-Americans throughout our country. … I’ve gotten a real glimpse — during the campaign, I’d go around with Ben to a lot of different places I wasn’t so familiar with. They’re incredible people.” Like Frederick Douglas, apparently. Must have met him on the victory tour.
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[Cereal Bowl Cake of my dreams—where the cake tastes like cereal—photo by Studio DIY]