Aron recommended I listen to this piece on NPR about the history of the color pink, and our evolving perception of it as a feminine color. Apparently, pink was recommended in a trade catalogue for boys’ clothing “because it’s a stronger and more passionate color, and because it’s actually derived from red,” and the thinking would have been common up until around World War II.
It seems of particular interest because we both have been finding ourselves so much more open to the color pink since Skyler was born—in a way I would have never expected. But photographer JeongMee Yoon’s portrait of her daughter, surrounded by pink, reads like a cautionary tale.
Do you find yourself drawn to or adverse to traditionally gendered clothes and colors? I never liked pink when I was a little girl, but now I find it’s all in the hue.
The exhibition “Think Pink” is up at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston for one more week.
Here are some other provocative items that might be worth a look…
“Stay-at-home-mom” versus “homemaker.”
A beautiful way to learn language.
Going to add these recipes to my picnic basket repertoire.
Magical, summery photos of kids underwater, in “a colorful playland of ripples and bubbles.”
Tips on creativity from the man behind Calvin & Hobbes. “There’s no such thing as a small medium.”
Human tears, magnified. Do tears of joy look different from those of grief? (This is really fascinating.)
And, finally, a man in a pink suit.
Have fun this weekend!