We brought over a round of Cowgirl Creamery’s extra-pungent Red Hawk to share with friends recently. The triple-cream stinker from California has long been a favorite of ours (we chose it as one of the cheeses we served at our wedding). However, we’re a little nervous they will never invite us back after the way we perfumed their apartment!
It’s probably best likened to another runny cow’s milk cheese, Epoisses, and should be served the same way: cut into wedges or scooped from the center with a spoon after the top rind has been removed. (And the rind, while totally edible, really is only for the truly brave.) A fromager recommended pairing it with dried apricots–which made the affair a bit more dessert-like.
If you are looking for a milder triple-cream from Cowgirl Creamery, I also highly recommend their Mt. Tam! And if you’re in the Bay Area, be sure to visit the creamery in Point Reyes sometime.
Do you have a favorite stinky cheese? I’m looking forward to trying some of this Quadrello di Bufala that Joanna mentions (and to returning to the world of unpasteurized, soft cheeses in general).
Have a great weekend!
And P.S.Check out my guest post on Unruly Things today!