An hour somehow just disappeared while I read all of the men’s style Q&A on JCrew’s “Jack Knows Best” feature–a sort of faux-blog wherein the personal stylist persona Jack talks rolling up sleeves, packing a carry-on, the terms you need to talk to your tailor, and date ideas for Valentine’s Day. All that “What a Man Should Know” sort of stuff. (And of course I get a kick out of imagining that Andy Spade wrote it.)
I know it’s a sales technique and I know I’m not the target audience but I loved it! It’s such a spot-on, simple guy’s style guide (for the sort of guy who is down with the style found in a JCrew catalogue, obviously). I wish there was an equivalent set of “rules” for women, but alas we get to be much more creative than a two-button or three-button suit jacket at a formal event.
Some of my favorite tips:
“Take your suits to the tailor (even if they fit you).
“Your watch doesn’t need to tell you what phase the moon is in or double as a stock ticker (your phone probably has an app for that, anyway). It just needs to tell you if you’re going to be late for work.
“Dress like a grown-up when traveling.
“Obviously, if you’re wearing a white shirt, any [tie] goes—except for novelty ties, which never, ever go.
“[U]nless you want to look like you raided your dad’s resort wardrobe, I’d suggest a shirt with clean lines and a trim cut.
“To really pull [business casual] off right, you want to wear one part business and one part casual.
“[W]hile you can unbutton your jacket when sitting, you should keep it buttoned while standing.
“I say hats off inside.
“When it really comes down to it […] the best way to stand out from the crowd is with your sparkling conversation and witty repartee.
“Channel your inner Paul Newman and you’ll be just fine.” [Isn’t that the truth? In all things, really.]
P.S. More photos of Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. Just because.
And JCrew? If you’re listening? Please expand your men’s Tall collection. It’s seriously dwindling!
[Photos: 1//2//3]