Last Thursday, after 19 more inches of snow fell, Aron urged me to take the camera with me to work. I wasn’t too excited about trudging through the mess carrying a heavy camera, so I ignored the plea. But almost as soon as I stepped outside, I knew I had to run back upstairs and grab it. As much as I’m getting tired of all this snow (the most that New York has seen in January since 1925), I must admit that’s really beautiful–at least when it’s still fresh.

I checked on our buried bicycles on my way to the office, and walked to the office through Gramercy and Madison Parks.

And once there, I found myself among a skeleton crew. Deciding I would rather work late and get a chance to see Central Park covered in white, I left for a long lunch at noon, riding the 6-train up to its base and marveling at the scene.

I was stunned at the number of sledders at Cedar Hill; the sight of the boathouse lake, overtaken with snowball fights instead of mini-sailboats; and impressed by the snowmen that were being built all around. Everyone seemed to be embracing the new-fallen snow. And in the end, I was quite glad I’d done as Aron had urged and brought along the camera.