{chicken with goat cheese and fig preserves}
When spring starts turning to summer, it’s hard for Ashley and I not to spend every minute outdoors. With this in mind, we planned a picnic with Abbey, Tim, and Alex–they suggested the perfect spot in Riverside park. We decided that it had been far too long since we pulled out our panini grill. We picked up some baguettes from Sullivan Street bakery and went to the Union Square greenmarket that morning–which is filled with strawberries and snap peas right now–and did our best to limit oursevles to a resonable amount of variety.
The afternoon light was lovely and the gardens in Riverside Park have never looked better.
On our way home, while I was checking out the expanded Hudson River walkway, I turned to find Ashley unabashedly dipping into the leftover whpped cream from our dessert. (She’s lucky she got to it first!)