Aron and I are Tahoe-bound for two nights, just the two of us. Sort of a last hurrah before baby girl arrives, I suppose you could say. California is experiencing a worrisome drought this winter, so I’m not expecting a lot of snow in the Sierras—but perhaps I should count us lucky when thinking about the frigid weather much of the country has been experiencing.
Wherever you are, I hope you’re staying warm. I’ll sip some hot cocoa on your behalf.
And if you are indoors, opening up lots of browser tabs, here are a few links that have been notable to me lately…

Thank you again for all of your great responses to my query. Really inspired!
Amazing, travel-inspired scarves.
How cool would it be if your house were chosen by AirBnB to replicate as a birdhouse?!
One of my favorite RadioLab podcasts of late: Do you root for the underdog? Or the top-dog? Fascinating! (Made me want to go read Malcolm Gladwell’s latest book
Alongside fall boots and summer sandals, I’d say my other perennial search is the perfect, black cardigan. Elusive, yes. Might this be it?
If only I were more of a DIY-er… This would be lovely.
I’m feeling inspired to eat more salads. You?
A harrowing story of survival in the Atlantic, just off Montauk.
Our friends’ beautiful home was featured on Apartment Therapy!
The lovely Sycamore Street Press has a new wedding collection.
$75/night. Next stop, Baja!
The Folk Art Museum is being demolished (one of the first places Hudson laughed).
And finally, if you liked learning about the Gluten Free cookies, be sure to check out these two doughs.
P.S. Did you watch the return of Downton Abbey Sunday? (Yes, you Brits are way ahead—no spoilers!) What other shows are you looking forward to seeing come back? I’m looking ahead to the return of House of Cards, Nashville, and The Mindy Project… and I usually hate scary shows, but I’m looking forward to Kevin Bacon returning in The Following.
[Images from top: Max Redoerksen; Up the Wolves & Sleepy Jones; Chamonix by Lu Chien-Ping; Villa Vals; and Vintage National Geographic (Actually a sand dune—but doesn’t it look like snow?!)]