Happy Valentine’s weekend! Any fun plans? Hudson and I worked together on Valentine’s for his class last night, and he was excited to deliver them this morning. Skyler has a set of her own, too—though hers will be candy- and signature-free. Thanks for the fun conversation over kids’ valentines earlier this week. Fascinating to hear such varying opinions and experiences!
I think Aron and I are going to celebrate on the Monday holiday instead and hang out with the kids on Sunday. Maybe we’ll head into the snowy mountains, or maybe we’ll go looking for snowy blossoms (many of the trees around us are already flowering). I’m also thinking of breaking out the two-ingredient doughnuts!
If you’re online, some things of note…
Gravity waves! Einstein was right.
How the most successful people ask questions.
Thinking like a preschooler. (And more support for more play!)
I cannot get enough of the thoughtful articles on race and gender that are being written in response to Beyonce’s new video for Formation. According to NPR, there’s a lot of us—and here’s why.
I haven’t had a highlighter in my makeup stash for a long time, but I hear such raves about the “youth glow” of this one. Thinking of trying it.
And maybe these? In red, as a Valentine gift to myself?
Despite being “very well constructed,” Airbnb put the kabosh on a New York igloo charging $200 a night
A guide for when to toss food from your fridge (and some other food safety tips)
Zuni Cafe in San Francisco makes THE BEST roast chicken. Here’s how to make it at home.
The new way to build a gallery wall: Go 3-d. (P.S. Our gallery wall.)
New slang that makes me feel old
Capitalism responds to the drought.
And the best movies for Valentine’s Day. What’s your favorite romantic one to watch? (I’m partial to Sense & Sensibility and the newer Pride & Prejudice with Matthew Macfadyen playing Mr. Darcy: “You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love… I love… I love you.” But just about any Nora Ephron movie would do as well.)

P.S. A Valentine’s dinner plan featuring winter citrus..