I’m going to be optimistic and presume that we are going to have some cozy nights for catching up on television soon—you know the drill: vacation nights, present-wrapping, achy cold-season (jinx?). So please spill: what have you loved lately, and will you be binging on over the holidays?
I just read through Emily Nussbaum’s New Yorker article,”I Love Top Ten Lists,” on the best TV of 2019 (ha, do you love them?), and the perils of crafting one. Had she not already had a high level of trust, she earned some at “I worried about how, for no good reason, I was leaving off shows that I consistently enjoyed, like Younger, that didn’t seem fancy enough.” (You may recall: I love Younger—though not as much this last season.)
And in her nod to “some of the rumored-to-be-great stuff. (That means you, Lodge 49.),” which is, along with the meta-reboot of BH90210, on my rumored-to-be-great list, too. She then prefaces her list: “And by ‘Top Ten,’ I mean that here are more than ten shows that I happened to like and remember on the day that I wrote this list.”
Color me intrigued.
Some of her picks were of course my favorites, too. (Duh, Fleabag!) But then the list continues and I can only claim to have seen (and love) two others this year: Catastrophe and Russian Doll. There are so many I haven’t seen! What else am I missing?
I should give a little context: we recently found ourselves completely delighted by Modern Love and are currently engaged in the new season of The Crown. I watched the Four Weddings… tv version and keep up with This Is Us and Graham Norton reruns sans Aron, and he watches Watchmen whenever I fall asleep during a joint show. We started Succession after finishing Outlander, but haven’t kept up. We had high hopes for Jack Ryan but found it really, really disappointing (even if it stars my boyfriend Jim, aka Emily Blunt’s husband). Killing Eve and The Americans were so much better. I’m missing Better Call Saul and Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, but they’ll be back—and we still have El Camino to watch!
Tell me about what you’re watching—or hoping to watch—on TV!
P.S. The relationship benefits of binge-watching.