Sorry that the title “weekly” has not been accurate lately!
It’s another week in which the news is hard to look at. “The U.S. has seen 39 mass shootings so far this month. More than 60 people have been killed.” It’s not even February.
I saw this poem on Kottke and it really captured that horrifying feeling of how routine it starts to feel. It’s unfathomable, all this loss and grief around us all the time. I’m so sorry for the families and friends of those shot in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay right now.
Collective Nouns for Humans in the Wild, by Kathy Fish (Source)
A group of grandmothers is a tapestry. A group of toddlers, a jubilance (see also: a bewailing). A group of librarians is an enlightenment. A group of visual artists is a bioluminescence. A group of short story writers is a Flannery. A group of musicians is — a band.
A resplendence of poets.
A beacon of scientists.
A raft of social workers.
A group of first responders is a valiance. A group of peaceful protestors is a dream. A group of special education teachers is a transcendence. A group of neonatal ICU nurses is a divinity. A group of hospice workers, a grace.
Humans in the wild, gathered and feeling good, previously an exhilaration, now: a target.
A target of concert-goers.
A target of movie-goers.
A target of dancers.
A group of schoolchildren is a target.
Sending hope for peace to everyone.
Here are some more positive things I’ve been occupied with:
Diane Keaton: Her Instagram makes me so happy, so often. And I have her to thank for making me love two new songs with her dancing: “Another Man’s Jeans” by Ashe, and “Flowers” by Miley Cyrus (who also makes me very happy).
Date nights: We went out with some friends last Saturday to two new-to-me places in Sacramento and it was really nice to feel those wants for exploration and cool-ness satiated. I love going places where the aesthetic leaves you inspired.
Travel planning: Well, this one is a mixed bag because it does bring about some stress, too. But we finally booked our tickets for spring break (Oaxaca!) and made some reservations. I am grateful to a member in Bon Traveler’s Lounge group who shared some tips!
Kids’ sports: Okay, also mixed, because it turns me into a taxi, but I enjoy watching the kids play and do their best. Skyler has really shied away from anything competitive, so I was really happy when she wanted to sign up for city rec basketball. It’s very low-pressure and their first game was filled with all sorts of traveling and such that the refs just turn a blind eye to. It’s lovely as far as gentle introductions go.
Target Brightroom: We are trying to do some new-year-organization and thank you to Target for all the straight-sided bins! Now I just need to set aside some more time to actually use them…
& Some other things of note…
Succession trailer. I’m heartened. Ha!
The donkey has been underrated in its historical significance.
Nothing has made me want to run to Trader Joe’s faster than this best-of list. It’s all calling my name.
I feel like I’m one of the only ones who didn’t appreciate Everything Everywhere All At Once. I did watch it on a plane… so maybe I need to try again?
When I have time to focus on it, I’m going to read this NYT article “How to focus like’s it’s 1990”
The kids & I have been enjoying Junior Bake Off recently—the kids are adorable! This McSweeney’s post about their dessert names made me chuckle.
Another fun thing we’ve been getting into: Aron, Hudson & I do the NYT Spelling Bee together in the evening. Fun vocab activity!
Had fun browsing Jenna Lyons’ showroom on The Expert.
Loving this swaddle set! Muslin swaddles make great travel towels & in-a-pinch picnic blankets. The yellow stripe is very Il Pelicano! (Whose towels you can actually buy for nearly $200. Ouch!)
Looking forward to trying Diet Cokagne.
[Poet: Kathy Fish teaches fiction for the Mile High MFA program at Regis University. She also teaches her own intensive Fast Flash workshops online. She has published four collections of short fiction: a chapbook in the Rose Metal Press collective, A Peculiar Feeling of Restlessness: Four Chapbooks of Short Short Fiction by Four Women (2008); Wild Life (Matter Press, 2011); Together We Can Bury It (The Lit Pub, 2012); and Rift, co-authored with Robert Vaughan (Unknown Press, 2015). Her story, “Strong Tongue,” was recently chosen by Amy Hempel for Best Small Fictions 2017 (Braddock Avenue Books).]