Hope everyone is enjoying their summer and keeping cool! We’re about to get hit with more triple digit temps this weekend, but we’re going to escape to Lake Tahoe for our summer break just in time. It will be the second year in a row that we’ll celebrate Hudson’s birthday at the cabin (he’s turning 10!!!), and the first summer during which the kids will do some day camps up there. I hope they have fun. Aron and I will have some days on our own—I’m trying to think on which activities might be best without them (long hikes? long lunches? long conversations? all of the above?).
I shared some more photos of our summer so far to Instagram.
Have a great weekend! Some links of note…
My heart goes out to the families whose loved ones have not been recovered from the Florida condo collapse. I can’t imagine the agony.
I’ve heard wonderful things about Summer of Soul. Has anyone watched it yet?
It’s time to call it what it is: a climate emergency.
A resounding yes to this article interviewing three epidemiologists about the handling of the pandemic—especially the school section and the comments on Zoom and disparity.
Zaila Avant-garde just became the first African American to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee in 93 editions of the competition!
Do you know the Indigenous population on whose land you live? A map.
Gorgeously thick, bright and colorful impasto paintings.
AI was used to restore long-lost edges of Rembrandt’s masterpiece “The Night Watch”
Everything I read tells me I need to do more strength training. Aron and I share these adjustable weights—which are so convenient.
The flooding subways in New York. Hope everyone was okay. But also: Ew, ew, ew, ew times infinity! A little levity.
Find the shadiest walking route.
What do kids love and remember about summer vacation? Interesting conversation.
I like the idea of freezing watermelon cubes to use in place of ice.
Looking forward to making this for dessert.
It’s tomato season! Here’s some more inspiration.
This tote made me laugh (no, where ARE my keys), but it’s also oddly appealing. I love it folded over.
My friend wore this last weekend, knotted over a swimsuit, and it looked so chic.
Cute summer dress!
Finally, what’s everyone watching lately? I finally watched (and then binged) a season of Love Island in prep for a themed party. I’m happy Lupin has a new season, as well as Virgin River (out today!). I rewatched a lot of Felicity and laughed hard at the second season of Derry Girls. I’m looking forward to Ted Lasso and Succession coming back. And I’m still missing Fleabag and Queen’s Gambit and Better Call Saul, etcetera. (only the last of which is expected to eventually return).
[Photo from this post on the Undone Salad board]