What are your plans for the weekend? We’re going to Skyler’s school picnic this afternoon—she’s been counting down the days!—and then driving up to the cabin tonight for some fresh, mountain air! And then, of course, we’ll be back in time to catch the Long Night… I’ll be watching Sunday’s Game of Thrones through my fingers, no doubt.
Some links of note for the weekend:
These photos, this drink: “my take on the Brazilian national drink, Caipirinha. In my recipe I am infusing the cachaça, a sugarcane based spirit, with lemongrass, Thai basil, and serrano chili.” Just, wow. Saúde!
Ha! If we treated everyone like pregnant women.
Too much of a good thing? Easy family dinners.
Is Instagram going to end public “likes”?
Related: the end of the Pink Wall?
Why aren’t we paying more attention to her?
“On the second mountain you see that happiness is good, but joy is better.” A great read.
How playback changes our memories.
Looking forward to flipping through this.
Lena Dunham is leaving the ‘burg.
The climate-change message at the heart of Game of Thrones?
Also, “the stress is us.”
How much worse could this measles outbreak get?
Eruptions, Earthquakes, and Emissions. Fascinating!
Beautiful little stoneware piece for Mother’s Day (or Father’s Day).
Sephora kicked off its spring Beauty Insider Sale today—an extra 20% off! In my basket: refill of my favorite highlighter for cheekbones, a highly recommended rosy lip balm, and a start on healthy summer nails.
[Photos by Jenny Huang, shared on her blog Hello My Dumpling]