I stumbled upon Everyone is Gay—an organization working to improve the lives of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning/Queer, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQIA) youth—earlier this week when I was looking through the Chronicle Books page; they’ve published This is a Book for Parents of Gay Kids with the founders, Kristin Russo & Dannielle Owens-Reid. Now I can’t stop humming the song from their music video. I love the line, “We’re all just looking for love to change the world.”
Isn’t that the truth. We all are going to need a lot of love around here next week!
Enjoy the weekend and here are some links of note…
More fun videos, this one is a celebration of country music. And this movie trailer… Can’t wait!
And… well… this one made me teary cry like a baby. Fred Rogers was the best.
Protecting the right the disconnect.
I think my children are my noisy co-workers.
On the power of access to family planning options.
The New York Times and affiliate links.
Related: I’ve often thought that more blogs and small websites should move to subscriber models to stay distinct from advertising and “pay-for-play” charges, so it was interesting to see this from Kottke.org on Tuesday, asking $3 per month. What do you think?
Oh Happy Day is 10 Years old! Happy Birthday! (Check out the studio, all dressed up for the party!)
I have been so grateful for these so many times this past month. We packed them in a pouch for Hawaii—no sharpener required.
The ultimate stroller for travelers?
Speaking of myths: “I have tremendous support for women,” and other tall tales.
I’m excited to vote for Hillary so, overall, I loved Louis CK’s much buzzed about “I’d take her over anybody”-endorsement, but I do get tired of this.
An epic-ly colorful wedding at the Madonna Inn.
Finally, what else are you reading online? Favorite blogs?
Have a great weekend!