At Skyler’s 4-month-checkup, her pediatrician mentioned that we could start letting her try solid foods—if she seemed interested. [Insert record scratch, here.] What?! Wasn’t she just coming home from the hospital?
I remember, with Hudson, I was really on top of it at first: pureeing fruits and vegetables like yams, carrots, broccoli, green beans, and peas—they looked so bright and colorful. But there came a time when he was eating an awful lot of avocado and banana because, in New York, they’re available everywhere and you can mash them up with just a fork. If he was going to eat vegetables on the go, it was really was a tremendous help to be prepared.

So while I try and remember where I stored those little baby spoons and think about what food we should start with this time, Cuisinart offered that we try their baby food maker & bottle warmer. Better yet, they offered that I give one away (see below)!

There are a million good books on baby food, and you should consult with your own pediatrician, but…
Here are a few things I learned the first time around:
Start Slow. In the first month or two, it’s suggested you wait a few days in between each new food you introduce to watch for allergic reactions.
But Get Creative. With a few exceptions (honey, raw dairy, undercooked meat…) there’s very little reason not to offer babies exactly what you eat. Season their food, let them reach for what’s on your plate, and try combinations that would appeal to you—like white bean puree with olive oil or spinach and blueberries. Making tacos for dinner? Toss the fixings into the baby food maker! (Cuisinart has a recipe book with tons of suggestions.)
Prep Ahead. You can use the Cuisinart Baby Food Maker to make meals in batches. It steams, chops and purees vegetables and fruits (and even meats) for you to freeze and store for later. Pour homemade baby food into clean ice cube trays (cover and transfer to a ziploc bag later) or into baby-specific feeding cubes for freezing. Either way, they’re the perfect size for a meal.
Be Safe! Be sure to label and date any food you make. Check FoodSafety.Gov for storage guidelines and how to properly defrost baby food.

Giveaway: Okay, so here’s how you can win a Cuisinart Baby Food Maker. Just visit the Cuisinart Baby Recipe page for inspirations. Share a favorite recipe from there, or one of your own, in the comment field by 11:59pm PST, Sunday July 13. Your comment enters you to win a Cuisinart Baby Food Maker.
I’ll get in touch with the winner for a mailing address. Good luck!
Thank you, Cuisinart, for sponsoring this post and supporting Hither & Thither!
P.S. Hudson’s first bites. And toddler lunches on-the-go.