Hope everyone had a lovely weekend and a happy holiday, if you were celebrating!
We made some long overdue changes to the website and–phew!–finally migrated to WordPress. Fingers crossed that there aren’t any problems, but please let us know if you have trouble with anything. I’ll be updating categories and the like over the course of the week. We hope you like the refreshed site!
You’ll notice that we finally set up a Facebook page, and added buttons to follow us on Twitter and Pinterest. And I’m excited about our cleaned-up sidebar. (Thank goodness for our incredibly generous neighbor–an actual web developer, Ben Freda–who helped us link it all up.)
Another big change? I’m bidding farewell to Baby Mine. I had a wonderful time writing Baby Mine, and focusing on pregnancy and kiddos in a space apart from Hither & Thither. But it has become clear that those spaces really aren’t so clearly defined as I might have once tried to imagine them. The division between personal stories I’d tell on Baby Mine and personal stories we’d tell on Hither & Thither started to feel a bit arbitrary (especially when there’s a sweet little baby boy with us at every moment).
So we have added “family” to the scope of Hither & Thither, and I’m giving ourselves permission to post on anything from traveling while pregnant to Hudson’s monthly updates in addition to our usual content. I’m looking forward to making some changes for the new year!
I hope we can look forward together!