Vandaag, a beautiful Dutch restaurant in the East Village, has gotten plenty of good press and yet it took us over a year to finally stop into the relative newcomer down the way. Thankfully, Hudson was happy to quietly stare at neighboring diners so that we could linger over brunch this past weekend.

The menu seemed fresh and inventive and the space was gorgeous. I thought the New York Times review puts it well when they say it has a “casually luxe, Wallpaper-magazine feel.” I loved all the windows and clean lines.

We shared slow-poached eggs (with pickled beets, corn, and kale) and french toast with strawberries made from their own sugar-bread and served with a caramel-like syrup, stroop. They make their own breads and pastries, so we couldn’t resist a basket–which was so lovely and tasty and seemed a bargain at $6.

I’d love to try it for dinner. Hopefully we’ll be seated by equally beautiful people for Hudson to stare at next time.
[Update: Sadly, Van Daag closed in the summer of 2012.]
(P.S. On Baby Mine today: a few notes on having a baby in the city, so far.)