As we honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. this weekend, (and as some might be preparing to march in womens’ marches around the world), here are some reads I’ve especially appreciated:
Martin Luther King Jr. was more radical than we remember. “This Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we would do his memory justice by honoring all of his legacy. Not just the parts that make white Americans comfortable.”
On being more than just nice. “The default of the current system is the reproduction of racial inequality. To continue reproducing racial inequality, the system only needs for white people to be really nice and carry on.”
“The Other Talk,” on one woman’s experience being prepared for being black in America.
Finally, if you’re looking for books on social justice to read with children, we came up with this list last year.
Enjoy the long weekend! Some more links of note…
91 (and counting) direct effects of the government shutdown.
But don’t let the back-and-forth of Trump’s tweets at Pelosi distract you from this new from yesterday: Thousands more migrant children were separated from their asylum-seeking parents than were previously reported. And a leaked policy draft just revealed that “officials wanted to specifically target parents in migrant families for increased prosecutions, contradicting the administration’s previous statements.”
On Mary Oliver, a great voice passed
Aron tells me this episode of Reply All is a must-listen on “the internet’s most encompassing conspiracy theory to date,” QAnon.
Is there a leisure gap?
Skyler is all about the animal knee-highs these days.
What a cool yoga mat!
Dito Von Tease explores the concept of the self-portrait by reimagining subjects from classic portrait paintings as if they’re taking a selfie.
An argument for Impeachment?
Uh-oh, I have the sweater and shoes of the middle women in the lead photo. No strap, though!
Kon Mari and gender balance in tidying up. (Also, what I learned from Marie Kondo)
“Actually, You Can Just Drink Some Water”
The best-reviewed face oil on the Nordstrom site. Sounds like some people would just like to add a dropper.
Post-Golden Globes, I feel like these are the top fashion tricks we might all need up our, um, sleeve: Fashion Tape, Underarm pads, and CBD Lotion.
Are these the 20 best dramas since The Sopranos?
Related: I binged You after the last Friday links (along with my friend) and now we need a new show. Should this be it? Any recs?
The goal to maintain female friendships prompted this entrepreneur to create Small Packages you can send distant friends.
“There is no time to mourn our pink hats. Now is the time to redouble our efforts. Generations of activists will tell you that consensus is impossible and that the real work of coalition is hard.”
But also an argument for continuing to march.
Finally, I’m excited that our bookclub is reading this for our next meet-up so I can understand all the buzz!
[Photo: Thousands of demonstrators march to the Montgomery, Ala. courthouse on March 17, 1965, behind Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to protest treatment of demonstrators by police during an attempted march. / AP]