The Weekly Digest

There’s some big news in my life—I’m still sort of processing it! I’ve found someone to be the new Editor of The Dirt! The Davis Publication I took over in 2019, and re-launched this December, has a new owner. I’m really happy about the transition! My goal was to build it into a magazine-like-newspaper that supported the arts and local community, that brought people out to local events and businesses, and which could support itself through advertisers and sponsors and then find someone to carry it on—and I feel like it’s in really good hands!
I’m really proud of the work that went into it (so much work)—I got to design it completely from the branding to the website, to laying out and printing, and even delivering and it has all been an awesome experience (even when the pandemic threatened to bring it all down). But now I’m also looking forward to being on the other side and reading it with the rest of the community to find out what’s happening in town!
As seems to always happen whenever there’s some big life change, I of course got sick earlier this week, but now that I’m recovered I feel so motivated to get back into my healthier (i.e. Less computer-heavy) routines of walking and enjoying the onset of spring. Which, if you’re in California, feels like it’s alternately here and a million years off! These storms have been wild. Have you seen the photos of Yosemite? The park is closed indefinitely as 15-feet of snow buried roads and walkways. Hoping everyone stays safe as this next storm rolls through this weekend!
I just finished reading (listening to) Spare. Can’t wait to discuss it at bookclub. I’m simultaneously watching the last season of The Crown, so the two make for an interesting pair. Have you read it? Thoughts? In trying to think about what to extrapolate besides just thoughts on Harry and the monarchy, I’m left with broader questions about how family-reckonings ever really happen and what moving forward can look like if you do or do not get apologies for perceived wrongs. I think that his wish for some sort of understanding or apology—if he could just explain his side— seems unlikely to come true considering he was just asked to vacate a home, but that wish is the more interesting thing perhaps.
Some links of note…