With Memorial Day weekend seems to come the start of summer. I remember Aron and I being astonished every year we lived in New York: it was as if the weather just knew that summer begins with one long weekend and ends with another (Labor Day). In California, the change is more subtle, and yet still something seems to shift. Perhaps we all get our first taste of vacation while the days are long.
Do you look forward to summer? It’s probably my favorite season of the year. Last year I made a summer to-do list, in an effort to really savor it. I think I’d like to do that again! What would be on yours?
Enjoy the long weekend! Here are some links of note to enjoy in the meanwhile (a little later than usual as I spent the day field tripping with first graders!)…
One of you shared this review with me last week, and I’ve since started watching the show. It’s so spot on! Made us laugh and cringe. As Aron said, “it’s all so close still.”
As has come up here, there’s a lot less written about parenting teenagers. One mother solicits tips.
I’ve stuck with the bullet journal since writing about it here. So I enjoyed this little post about why others keep one.
Exit polls in Ireland for repealing the abortion ban. (And the many women who flew home to vote.)
Behind the scenes of Harvey Weinstein’s arrest.
I wasn’t really anticipating to get swept up in Royal wedding fervor, but I completely did. In case you missed it…
The futility as long as laws don’t change. “As long as there is easy access to guns, there’s no way parents, teachers, and other specialists can thwart every violent teenager.”
Baby trip advisor. (If infants wrote hotel reviews.)
Is co-sleeping really risky?
I’ve gotten a lot of questions about my ‘white’ sunglasses, which are actually light pink. They’re basically these ones by Wildfox (but with prescriptions lenses added).
Currently listening to on Audible for bookclub.
Also, the Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale just began and some of those swimsuits from last week are on sale.
P.S. Thank you to those of you who wrote me notes of encouragement about our tiling fiasco in the bathroom update. I shared on Instagram that the process has been a disaster so far, and that we have to start over. I’d say more, but I want to pretend it doesn’t exist. Wish me luck.