Somebody turned me on to Explore.Org earlier this summer and it’s incredible! Apparently the #BearCam is wildly popular (nudge, wink). I’m late to the party, so just in case you are, too—check it out. Ever time I’ve visited recently, there’s been at least one bear wading in the river’s stream catching fish. At the moment I’m writing this, there are four I’m watching feast on Salmon.
Explore has a ton of different wildlife cams that are live at any given moment. There’s a Kelp Forest cam in the Channel Islands, Osprey nests (where—about 10 minutes ago—an owl swooped in and scooped up a chick, I’m sorry to say) and Puffon burrows-cams (more happily, with fuzzy baby chicks!) in Maine, and swamp cams in Florida. Users can register and take snapshots while they watch, so even if there’s nothing happening live at the moment you check, you can see some great captures in the “fan favorites” section, or the highlight reels in each section—like this one of a baby bear holding on to mom.

P.S. Incredible shots of whales.