One of the things I still get the most questions about is the mini-crib (and mini-nursery) we used with Hudson in New York. We lived in a 500-square-foot studio, so we transformed our walk-through closet (translation: Aron had to move his clothes into our entry closet) into a little nursery space for with some wallpaper, a mobile, a mini-fan, and a mini-crib. You can read all about it here.
We were lucky enough to find a used Bloom Alma Urban Crib, which saved us hundreds of dollars because—at the time—there was only one option and its components were pricey.

A Coco-pod

Hudson used his until he was 13 months, and would have probably been happy to stay in it longer because he still likes to sleep pressed up against the bars of his much larger crib. Now it’s getting a second life with Skyler, who goes to sleep in it, albeit in our room. Eventually she’ll make it into hers…
P.S. Some of the fun places Hudson’s mini crib was featured! And a list of baby-registry essentials.