Aron always teased me about how many times I used the phrase “our 500-square-foot apartment” on here. It just felt necessary to reiterate. I.e. “No, Hudson doesn’t sleep in our closet because the other room is a wine cellar. We have a small, studio apartment.” But in truth, 500 square feet is only notable in New York because there were three of us. 500 square feet is perfectly reasonable and even roomy, in New York.
Notable is 250 square feet.
Erin writes a series about how to co-habitate in 250 square feet on her site, Reading My Tea Leaves (and does so beautifully–the living and the writing). It’s completely inspiring to me: every object that comes into her space must be carefully considered. Tiny living requires a great deal of editing.
We always cheated a lot: boxes at the parents’ house, memorabilia in storage… but I’d like to think we did get some good practice at editing. The challenge is to keep hold of that skill and put it to use when 1200 more square feet suddenly become available. Sentimentality is a… you know… and I’ve got it bad.
P.S. On that note, I’ve been meaning to watch the Graham Hill talk Joslyn references here. (“Editing is the skill of this century.”) Have you seen it? I’m guessing it might conflict with my Pinterest obsession?
[Photo by Erin Boyle for Reading My Tea Leaves]