We’ve just stepped off the red-eye from a week in New York City, and I must say that the task of unpacking our overstuffed luggage is feeling a little daunting at the moment—perhaps the reason the simplicity of this 580-square-foot cabin, the home of Mad Men’s Vincent Kartheiser (aka Pete Campbell), is piquing my interest right now. It may also have something to do with having just left Manhattan where we were reminded of our own time spent as a family of three in an apartment just under that size. (Although, on this visit, we stayed in a wonderful one-bedroom-apartment we found on the brilliant site Kid & Coe… more on that soon enough.)

I’d love to see a floor plan to see how this all fits together (though from my own experience, I’m guessing this is more-or-less a single-room space), but isn’t the pull-down, counterbalanced bed brilliant? Fun tidbit: the article about the space, in Dwell, says that the actor is engaged to Alexis Bledel (of Gilmore Girls). Miss that show!
P.S. Our apartment in New York and that teeny-tiny nursery space (and mini crib).
[All images by Joe Pugliese for Dwell Magazine; design by Funn Roberts]