My friend recently invited us over to share homemade pizza and half-cake for her daughter’s half-birthday. Isn’t that such a sweet tradition? Half-cake. I love it!
There was a really interesting story in the Times, not too long ago, about traditions and family entitled “The Family Stories That Bind Us.” Essentially it suggests we should make an effort to establish family traditions—the funnier the better—that are likely to get passed down and help build a narrative. The best story for a family is one that oscillates and includes ups and downs that can be recounted over and over.
That and half-a-cake are making me seriously consider celebrating half-birthdays from here on out.
P.S. You can use one 9-inch round, cut in half to build a two layer “half-cake.” Or, make a three layer like this one, where one-half of a second 9-inch round is, um, disappeared. Also, chocolate frosting (just multiply the recipe).