I love dry shampoo. It’s what makes having bangs in August tolerable. (I’ve also said before that it could be considered a new-mom essential.) It wasn’t until recently, however, that I started appreciating how much it can also be a styling tool—rather than simply a blow-out extender. I’ve been using Batiste
My friend, Natalie, is a total dry-shampoo guru—hair-guru, actually (read this post)—so I asked her if she’d share her top tips for using dry shampoo. Here’s what she had to say:
- “Apply it at night! The way dry shampoo works is by soaking up the excess oils near your scalp, at the root. (Bonus: it gives you killer volume!) Since the major ingredients of dry shampoo are corn starch and baking soda (try not to get a powder with talc if you can!) when you first apply it you miiiiight look a little George Washington-y. You know, powdered wig central. But when you apply at night, by morning that residue will be gone. This means you can really go overboard with it and hit up every part of your head that typically gets greasy without fear. Even the most tragic accidental dry shampoo overdose evidence will be gone by morning.
- “Apply just a tiny bit to freshen up the next morning. Just a smidge! I rake a little through my hair, styling and shaping with my fingers as I go for a tousled, effortless look.
- “Take it slow! Every time you wash, try eking out one extra day before washing it again. I’ve found the sweet spot for my hair is between days three and five. My hair looks so amenable during those three days, hah! It takes some working up to—I used to wash my hair every other day and felt completely greasy by the just the second morning, but after a a few weeks of washing every third night, then every fourth night, then every fifth night… my scalp’s oil production adapted and my hair became so much stronger and healthier. And I’m able to go six to seven days between washings now. My hair has never been happier. Hardly any split ends!”
Her favorite brands?
“Days & Nights NYC, Lulu Organics Hair Powder
And mine:
Do you use dry shampoo? It sounds a little gross to the un-initiated, but it doesn’t mean you don’t shower!
Alternatively, there’s always a beanie.

Thank you, Natalie! Natalie Holbrook writes the charming blog, Hey Natalie Jean, about life in New York City (Brooklyn these days!) with her husband and adorable son, Huck.
P.S. Bangs or No Bangs? And on Cutting Your Hair Short (and growing it out).
[Top Image: Source Unknown, via Eva / Bottom: Ground 11]