Thank you to everyone who weighed in on a playlist for Saturday night—and for all the well-wishes! It was a big help; I listened to everything and discovered some great new music (and came up with a playlist that I’ll use on road trips, no doubt, for years to come).
I mentioned we were having dinner at a farm to celebrate my birthday, and here are a few favorite photos from what turned out to be an amazing evening in the Capay Valley, at lovely Full Belly Farm.

You might recognize Full Belly Farm; Aron and I had visited once before for their dinner series and just loved the family-operated farm’s philosophy—as well as the meal. I was so happy that they would be hosting us (and many of our friends) once again.

Amon and Jenna prepared all of the food—98% of which came directly from the farm—and showed us how they were using milk from their Jersey cow (“Pinto Bean”) to make fresh ricotta, and eggs from their chickens to make fresh pasta (which we later devoured). You can see the menu on my Instagram. Everything was delicious!

Everything turned out perfectly and I wouldn’t change a thing! It was a magical night filled with good friends and good fun—a birthday to remember.