First taste

Thank you for all the fantastic travel tips! We had such a wonderful time in Montréal–what a lovely city!
We dropped off the rental car late last night and had just enough time to unpack and download a few photos before turning our thoughts to the week ahead. I can’t believe next Saturday is Christmas. It’s nice to know that, even if this vacation is over, we return to holiday dinners and a short work-week.
On our way out of town yesterday, we finally made it to Schwartz’s for some smoked meat–I’ve been hearing about this spot for ages! There’s often debate over whether the sandwiches (essentially pastrami) at Katz’s in New York or Schwartz’s in Montreal are superior. And I hesitate to admit it, but neither of us has actually eaten at Katz’s. (I also confess that I never tasted the pastrami at Langer’s in Los Angeles while we lived there.) So while I can’t (yet) compare, Schwartz’s viande fumée was delicious: peppery, flavorful, with a nice ratio of bread to meat. I regret that we went with medium instead of fatty–something for next time.
We shared a plate of fries and a pickle between the two of us, and our table with a family of four. They were from Toronto and joked that their friends couldn’t believe that the place would seat you with strangers. They were curious to hear what New York is like, and we joked later that we should have said that you sit that close to strangers all the time–just at different tables. And you probably would never lean over to ask them where they’re from! But that would have sounded horrible, right? And we actually really enjoyed talking to them.
I’m looking forward to sharing more about our trip soon!

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