Hudson turns three next week! Can you believe it?! Excuse me if I get nostalgic around here come next Thursday. We’re celebrating this Sunday with a little party for him. I’m so excited. I keep asking him what he wants on his cake and the answer is different every day. Chocolate, most commonly. But also: “Red.” “And white and blue and lots of cakes.” “Animals, like a skunk and butterfly.” “Nummy one.” “With a stop sign.” (Me: “A stop sign?”) “Yes, a tiny one.”
Full of surprises. Like… (fancy transition here): getting up on a bike last week!! We gave him his present early because a screw came loose on his balance bike—so we thought, why not?! It was awesome. He was up in maybe 30 minutes! I couldn’t believe it. (And yet I could because we always remark that one of Hudson’s skills is motion. Constant motion.)
But it really is stirring to watch them take off—and to have to let go! You’re holding on and telling yourself… “Okay, let go. Okay, let go.” And your hands have to cooperate, but it’s really hard! Oh… full of so many life metaphors, that bike-riding thing.

I posted a video on Instagram. (On Vimeo, here he is just starting out; and going “super fast.“)
In other news, some links for Friday…
I’m certain that Hudson was up and pedaling so fast thanks to his Balance Bike. Follow the link for more on that, and an interesting article about balance bikes versus training wheels.
Also, on the subject of biking: Raluca put (figurative) pen-to-paper much more keenly in this post about watching her daughter learn to ride a bike.
Love this wonderful round-up of shared kids’ rooms. Do your kids share a room?
Uncharacteristically, there are two giveaways on the site right now: Win a Cuisinart baby food maker (find a recipe from here and leave a comment on this post). And win this necklace (directions on Instagram).
Finally, next week I’m sharing a collaboration with Target—hope you’ll follow along!
Have a great weekend!