We’re in Monterey today! These are some of my favorite photos from our last visit—when Hudson would touch everything to his cheek to see how it felt. I was pregnant with Skyler and had to be more careful about my footing—as they were disappearing from view. Of course you should always be careful about your footing in tidal environments—for your safety and for that of the little creatures that call it home. Here’s a bit more about that last visit. I hope to have some pictures to share from this trip soon!
In the meantime, have a fun weekend! Here are just a few links of note…
How I feel about listening to Aron brush with an electric toothbrush.
Way to go again, Google!
A further look at teenage eye-rolling.
Yep, this sounds about right. The problem with dieting.
Game of Thrones: TV versus the books.
Radiohead is back!
Sad tale of online bullying.
Hundreds of Elephant Seals!
Have a great weekend!